Book Launch and Discussion "Remembering Forced Labor. Audio and Video Testimonies in the Digital World"
Tuesday, March 24, 2014 - 7 pm
German Historical Museum
Auditorium (Pei-Building)
Unter den Linden 2
10117 Berlin
News from Mar 10, 2014

Conference Proceedings "Remembering Forced Labor"
In future, temporary witnesses will no longer be able to personally speak about Nazi persecution and forced labor. Historical research and cultural memory, oral history and pedagogy increasingly have recourse to audio and video interviews. Remembrance becomes more and more part of the digital world.
What does this mean for the handling of eyewitness-interviews and especially for the memory on National Socialist foced labor? Using the example of the online archive "Forced Labor 1939-1945" and other current projects, the proceedings discusses potentials, challenges, and quality standards in building up an interview archive - from the interview conducting to the educational work, from the online-technology to the biographical analysis.
The German-language book is based on an eponymous conference which was held in October 2012 in Berlin. It includes among others atricles from Michele Barricelli, Constantin Goschler, Peter Haber, Martin Lücke, Тetiana Pastušenko, Gertrud Pickhan, Alexander von Plato, Brigitte Reineke, Jens-Christian Wagner and Loretta Walz.
Organizer: German Historical Museum, Freie Universität Berlin, Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" and Publishing House Metropol
Words of welcome
Prof. Dr. Alexander Koch, President of the German Historical Museum
Dr. Martin Salm, Chairman of the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future"
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Apostolopoulos, Head of the Center for Digital Systems, Freie Universität Berlin.
Dr. Cord Pagenstecher, Research Associate at the Center for Digital Systems, Freien Universität Berlin.
Loretta Walz, Film Director, Author, Film Producer, Winner of the Grimme-Prize.
Moderation: Sonja Begalke, Manager at the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future"
Nicolas Apostolopoulos · Cord Pagenstecher (Hrsg.)
Erinnern an Zwangsarbeit. Zeitzeugen-Interviews in der digitalen Welt
Berlin: Metropol 2013
ISBN: 978-3-86331-156-8
296 Seiten, 22,– Euro
The proceedings can be ordered at Further information can be found here.