Miroslav D.: Czech prisoner in a "labor education camp"
Miroslav D., 2005 in Hodonín (Czech Republic)
Miroslav D., with canteen set in the camp Kapfenberg in the 1940s
The Czech Miroslav D. is assigned to perform forced labor in a steel plant in Steiermark. He was interned in two “labor education camps” on grounds of escape attempts.
- Born 1920 in Břeclav / Lundenburg, near the Austrian border
- Worked since 1937 as a baker
- 1942: Forced to work at the firm Böhler Brothers Stainless Steel Plant in Kapfenberg / Steiermark (Austria)
- 1943: Fails to return to work after a vacation and is sentenced to two months imprisonment in the “work education camp” Kunčičky / Klein-Kunzendorf in February 1944 and then again to perform forced labor in the Kapfenberg steel plants
- March 1945: He attempts to escape and is imprisoned for six weeks in the “work education camp” Oberlanzendorf (near Vienna).
- Late April 1945: Liberation
- Works again after the war as a baker
- In the course of the Prague Spring, he is excluded from the Communist Party in 1969
- 1981, retirement
Interview Data:
- Interview za430 »
- Video interview in Czech
- Interviewed on July 8th, 2005 by Šárka Jarská; camera Jana Počtová
- Interview duration: 3:30 hours
- Transcript and translation, additional photos
- Subset "Czech Republic – ZP Prague"